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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ben - Ari proposes to move the African at Ramat Aviv Gimmel (Jerusalem Post)

National Union MK Michael Ben - Ari has announced a plan to subsidize apartments in Ramat Aviv Gimmel and other northern districts of Tel-Aviv for refugees, foreign workers and infiltrated, in an interview with radio army Wednesday.

Ben - Ari said that he was bored only southern districts Tel Aviv (inhabited by many foreigners) are affected by the problem and his project was inspired after "leftists told me that"power [housing]"protects" the problem.

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MK, it has already raised tens of thousands of shekels and expects to continue to receive contributions for the project. He said that he has collected enough money, the organizers will display brochures near Tel Aviv housing subsidized in the districts north of the city, from Ramat Aviv Gimmel announcing new central bus station.

Director of public activity for migrants workers Hotline Sigal Rozen said that even if a large number of refugees living in southern districts of Tel-Aviv army radio, many refugees living in the districts north of the city as well.

Ben - Ari insists on the fact that he has "nothing against the inhabitants of Ramat Aviv"but said that he wants to put an image of reality in front of their eyes.""

Head of the Council District of Ramat Aviv Gimmel Ami Greenberg has expressed his cynicism challenged the severity of the initiative. He said, "Let's see if the apartment owners will be actually rent their" Army Radio.

The MK National Union recalled Greenberg's initiative will be to rent apartments and sublet them then to foreigners.

Rozen asked whether people will be comfortable housing for the same person who wants to deport them money, even though it was noted that they will be probably happy for rental assistance.

Pushing its way into the discussion, was the terminology used by interested parties. After Ben - Ari used the term "infiltrators" to describe the African and other foreigners living in the southern districts of Tel-Aviv, Rozen attempted to clarify that these fuyant violence in Sudan and Eritrea are refugees.

Ben - Ari insists on the fact that "those who can prove really are refugees, must pass through the Egypt (on their path to Israel)" and should remain. He grew up news Monday evening that 150 of southern Sudan were clandestinely returned to their country of origin, stating: "if 150 Sudanese want to return, how can say you that it is forbidden to return them?

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