Orlando Sentinel
Last updated: 1: 28 pm, on Friday, July 1, 2011
Posted: 7 pm, Friday, July 1, 2011
Casey Anthony murder trial resumed at 1: 00.
Earlier, the Chief Judge Belvin Perry suspended debate indefinitely to give time to the defence of the Casey Anthony to rebuttal State witnesses.
"We will be in recess subject to the appeal," Perry said counsel for this morning. "Be prepared to be here late this evening."
Perry also said lawyers expect to work through holiday weekend. He noted that the jury is sequestered and "these people are ready to go home."
Jose Baez defence counsel complained that two prosecution experts are essentially offering the new notices have not been disclosed.
Deputy Prosecutor Jeff Ashton submitted expert testimony was shared with the defence and that the views are limited. The testimony involves examination of the skull of Caylee and if residue found inside was organic.
Baez said, "they may decide to ambush defence after the defence has justified his".
But Perry warned that he hoped that the question raised by the defence is a true. And it asked to review the reports of the experts.
"There are real problems and imaginary problems", said Perry.
Procedures should continue until the end of the week, including Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Thursday, Casey Anthony, 25, said that she would not testify and his defence rested its case.
Anthony is charged with first degree murder in the death of his daughter. Remains of the child were found in the woods near the House Antoine in the County of Orange is in December 2008. It was worn disappeared in July of this year.
The prosecution presented evidence that Casey Anthony conducted incriminating searches of computer home Anthony, including searches for "chloroform," a chemical substance believed to be involved in the death of Caylee.
High levels of chloroform were linked to the trunk of Casey Anthony Pontiac.
However, his mother, Cindy Anthony, testified at trial that she has researched chloroform on the computer at home in March 2008.
The prosecution wants to use work Gentiva and leaders of the company documents to show that Cindy Anthony was at work during the period of the research carried out from his home computer.
Check later for updates.
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