NASA has an annual budget of approximately $ 18 billion. Expenditures include the 4.5 billion on "science." 3.7 billion on "exploration". 3 billion dollars on the "cross-agency of support" and "space operations." $ 6.1 billion
The Agency has no replacement for the shuttle, so continue the operation of the inhabited area, including travel to the International Space Station, NASA will build on its partnership with the Russia to transport astronauts in space, possibly on commercial spacecraft. NASA predicts that it will save over $ 2 billion by not operating the space shuttle, although money is attributed to other programs, including in collaboration with the private sector to the development of a replacement for the shuttle.
After the launch of Atlantis, which is the next for NASA?
Crew of the shuttle elevator ponders uncertain future
At a time when the Government is faced with annual deficits over a thousand billion and a debt of $ 14 billion and rising, almost 20 billion dollars NASA is on the axe? No, said Tea Party supported by first year students Senator Marco Rubio, who was home in Florida is Cape Canaveral and Centre Kennedy, the place of birth and start point of the space shuttle.
"The impact of our space program is a global phenomenon," said Rubio now speak on the floor of the Senate. "Our space program inspired generations of Americans to pursue a career in industry aerospace and related fields." Technology satellite developed and improved by NASA now connect the world in unprecedented ways and support our military reconnaissance missions and facilitate travel by GPS equipment. For others, he obtained the hanging on mathematics and science and leaving them in other areas which innovations make our lives better every day. »
According to a study conducted earlier this year by the Florida State University, there are 147 000 jobs in the aerospace industry alone in Florida, 51 000 direct jobs and are 95 000 are indirect or induced jobs because of the industry. These jobs provide 8.3 billion in revenue.
If Rubio and many others ran to the Congress on its commitment to cut public spending, even without the space shuttle, which has defined the program us space for more than 30 years, said Senator that NASA is an important investment, even if it has too many live within its means.
"See you, while America once opened the way to the Moon, we now face the unacceptable prospect options limited for simply a man into orbit," said Rubio. "We know that our local partners are trying to fill some of the capabilities of manned space flight gap and it is a promising development that we should encourage."
"But we need to lead NASA," he added. "That said, I fully recognize that our country faces a debt crisis because, frankly, politicians in both parties spent recklessly for decades, and will require that Washington finally live within its means and for the leaders to make difficult choices on what are the priorities of our country." NASA is no exception. It will not be to spend more. It will be spent wisely. »
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