Thailand voters went to the polls Sunday for the first national elections since 2007. Authorities say that they deploy secure some 180,000 police officers across the country to the polling stations and voting is. Early opinion polls indicate the opposition Pheu Thai Party is ahead of Democrats by winning the most seats in the 500-member Parliament. Voters in the capital say they are hoping a new Parliament will help to put an end to deep political divisions and conflicts within Thai society in recent years.
Of polling stations across the country were marked by a steady stream of voters Sunday as electoral officers expected participation exceeds 70% of the eligible voters over 45 million.
The election comes after four years of political turbulence and mark an additional test for the Thailand often fragile democracy.
In Bangkok, voting was steady at a polling booth near the city of the democracy Monument.
Salreuthai, a businessman, says people have the opportunity to help the Thailand to overcome social divisions that have emerged in recent years.
"Choose us a party political what party can make the best Thailand", said Salreuthai. "The people more alert that they have the authority to decide how or what direction the Thailand can go in the future."
Others were more skeptical of all politicians in the running. Lecturer at the University Bangkok Mahidol said he voted for Chuvit Kamolvisit, owner of a former massage parlour which made the fight against corruption a cornerstone of his colorful campaign. Kunnaya Wimooktanon, said that he does not really want to Chuvit to win.
"Everyone wants to make it to Parliament, no one wants to be in power," Kunnaya said. The "people say, I am tired of the current political families. If it is not the same people, then they are the brothers or sisters or cousins of the same people. »
There is a widespread concern that whatever the party wins, there will be a resumption of violent clashes which was held in Bangkok last year.
A woman at a polling booth near democracy Monument in Bangkok said that all political actors must accept the choice of the voters.
"So much;" It is important for the country - the future of the country. We have to accept the choice. "of the people", she said.
Of the other side of the city, in the Klong Toey port area, police and representatives of the Ministry of the Interior has provided security and helped voters to cast their ballots.
A Pheu Thai elector remains confident that the party win the majority of the seats in the House of 500 seats in Parliament.
But another voter, Khun Im, says she hopes that the next Prime Minister will help the Thailand to recover from his political problems in recent years.
She said that no there is no problem if the elected leaders sought to support the country and the Thai Royal family.
Political polling booths who built the Thailand years.
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