Two male mammals cannot reproduce among them, right? This is what you learned in the classroom of biology, certainly. Many turns, as many laws of nature, there may be exceptions, with a certain amount of ruse. Researchers at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas have bent the rules of the biology of mammalian and created a pair of mice, a male female, who have both father and no mother sex chromosomes.
The reproductive biologists MDACC team headed by Mr. Richard r. Berhringer takes first fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) of the first male (XY) father mouse, while he was just a fetus. Fibroblasts were selected because they are easy to induce pluripotency, method of production from non-embryonic stem cells. (IPSCs) induced pluripotent stem cells were grown then.
To culture something funny happened - the allele is disappeared in some cells. This has proved an essential step in the production of baby two-father. Then, XO cells were transplanted into the blastocyst (embryonic development) of a surrogate mother of mouse. The resulting child female chimera (a surrogate mother second), which had a mixture of XO XX sex chromosomes. Females (wearing the paternal chromesome first father) was then mated with the father of the second.
The end result of this rather confusing process was that some children had sex chromosomes in two mothers or two fathers. They also probably inherited each father autosomes.
Team proclaims, "our study operates iPS cells technology to combine the alleles of two males to generate descendants male and female, i.e. a new form of mammalian reproduction."
Researchers believe that they could also use the technique to get the mouse to reproduce self. Their condition, it is also possible that a male may produce eggs and sperm for selfing generate male and female descendants."
The team published work in reproductive biology journal.
They say that it could be optimized to save endangered species. If only two men were in captivity, a surrogate mother of a similar species could serve as the birth of a dream that would produce (eggs) oocytes from the first father, resulting in two fathers to spend their genetic inheritance to offspring.
Applications can also lie in livestock. Usually farmed animals is selected for favourable characteristics. But what happens if the two men have some very favorable genetic traits? This technique could enable these strengths to merge.
Finally, but not the slightest suggestion more controversial team using a technique of varied iPS, human oocytes (eggs) can be produced by cells of a father. This could lead to two men being able to reproduce synthetically, certainly controversial technology. The only question left is whether two females could be made to reproduce as well? We will have to wait and see for future studies on this topic.
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