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Friday, December 10, 2010

Ex-Senator DeConcini pleads for Obama for Pollard (Jerusalem Post)

  Jonathan Pollard
Photo: courtesy of GIL HOFFMAN
12/09/2010 18: 30 Former US Select Intelligence Committee Senate President Dennis DeConcini wrote President Barack Obama for the second time in five months, this week, by calling him to commute the sentence of life of Israeli officer Jonathan Pollard, for 25 years he has already served.

DeConcini said that he felt compelled to write Obama once more, to respond to a letter from the recent Congress, signed by Mr. 39, release of advocating Pollard.

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Former Chief of intelligence of the Senate of the United States: Pollard free

"I was on the Intelligence Committee when Pollard was arrested and subsequently become its President," he said. I am well aware of the information classified for the damage he has caused. Pollard was charged with a number to give information to an ally, classified Israel. "There has never been charged or my knowledge has it never give any information to a third country".

In their own words, a source very well the workings of Pollard said case the DeConcini letter was the first time that someone who knows the classified information has definitely says Israeli agent did not all information to a third country, a load suggested in media reports.

Also written DeConcini Obama Pollard sentence was unfair account held in the shortest time, served by enemy country officers and the negotiation of that Pollard plea agreement with the u.s. justice department.

"It seems to me that the eventual sanction attributed to Mr. Pollard, life in prison, exceeded the seriousness of the crime", he wrote. In addition, it is worthy note that this right has broken Pollard, even if a violation clearly was information given to an ally and a friend of the United States. Not an enemy. Although in the determination of guilt or innocence, would not weigh heavy on a judge or jury, however, I believe it is important to note whether there is matching switching. Pollard has been punished significantly more than most of the inmates of similar crimes. I think that Pollard has been adequately punished
and it is unfair to him any more time in prison.

In a telephone interview with the Jerusalem Post last month, Arizona Democrats stated that it had carefully examined Pollard? cases when he led the Committee in 1993 and 1994 and concluded that he had been treated fairly by the judiciary.

The Department of American justice and submitted CIA documents to him for the investigation. But he said that he had changed his tune later and wrote three Presidents, including Obama in August, inciting to pardon Pollard.

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