Seoul, North Korea warned Friday he would more violently attack that he did so last month Seoul occurs with the island in Pyongyang South Korea artillery fire test plans.
The statement raises issues which was already considered a risky test of courage of the two Koreas to challenge the inter-Korean maritime border.
"There will be more deadly that what was done on November 23 the powerfulness and the sphere of the strike", the Korean people's army said in a statement relayed by the media State North.
Four of South Koreans are dead, including two civilians in North Korea fired artillery on Yeonpyeong, 170 at an island in the Yellow Sea, a few kilometres from Korea North coast which was controlled by the South Korea for decades.
The bombing destroys about 30 houses and damaged almost every building in the small village of the island. Most of the 1,400 inhabitants of the island left and no have not returned.
Most recent statement of North Korea also reiterated request North Korea waters which have long been controlled by Korea South near Yeonpyeong and four other islands. ""The Northern Korea says Korea South and the United States"had better reflect" on his warnings.
Korea South military and Government was not immediately respond the warning.
Korea South military announced Thursday he would again stage its monthly test artillery from his position as a seaman on the Yeonpyeong between Saturday and Tuesday, according to weather and other conditions.
South Korea wants to assert his hold Islands and water, he controlled since the end of the war of Korea in the 1950s, but officials and the public are suspicious actions would be climbing the issue in a dispute more wide.
United States closest military ally of Korea South since the war Korea, officials also worry about retaliation spiral out of control.
"That you want to reach that is for the escalation to be - we lose control of escalation,"General James Cartwright, vice Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of staff, said the Pentagon Thursday.""
Korea North after attack on 23 November claimed he fired on the island because he defended its territorial waters of South Korea shells fired in a test date here. Claim confused Korea South and its allies for some time because the monthly trial aims consistently far North Korea and its territorial waters, who South Korea was understood long several kilometres to the North of the island.
But as explanations of the Korea attack North has evolved in the following weeks, it later became clear that Northern stated that all the waters around Yeonpyeong belong to it.
Pyongyang spent years on the inter-Korean maritime border drawn at the end of the 1950s, Korea, war which instead of Yeonpyeong in the waters of the South Korea. The maritime border forces ships Korea Northern military and commercial to make a long journey westward prior to reaching the sea.
Pyongyang has tested the border multiple times since the late 1990s, with advances in naval. But the attack last month on the Korea of South-controlled Yeonpyeong Island, which lies a few miles off the coast of Northern Korea scored a violent elevation of its claims.
South Korea Member invited United Nations led by United States, who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the agreement that ended the war Korea and the media to watch the new test 1953 Armistice command.
Separately, U.S. diplomats concluded a trip to Beijing, where they met with a senior Chinese official, State Councillor Dai Bingguo, who visited the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il in Pyongyang last week.
Chinese media, Mr. Dai said that he believed the so-called six-party talks, a diplomatic process that began in 2003 to persuade Korea North to put an end to its pursuit of nuclear weapons should be expanded to handle other issues, including the dispute existing between the two Koreas.
The United States and South updated Korea pushed Beijing calls for a discussion of six parties on the attack on the island of Yeonpyeong. In addition to China, North Korea Korea and the United States, the six-party process also includes the Japan and the Russia. American officials have long sought to keep the six-party process on ending the pursuit of weapons of Pyongyang.
In the meantime, Governor Bill Richardson of New - Mexico spent his first full day in Pyongyang Friday. M. Richardson, a former Secretary of the U.S. energy arrived in North Korea Thursday, is a small number of former US officials receiving invitations to his authoritarian regime when it wants to send messages to the Government of the United States by official channels.
The White House said Thursday, it was not coordinated travel by Mr. Richardson in Pyongyang or former member of Congress was transporting any special message from Washington.
Write toEvan Ramstad
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