Students and others like them are soldiers on the ground that the OSM on anti-Semitism in their country and receive advice on how to address future incidents. To this end, the OSM launched a media room is in contact with activists from around the world in several languages.
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"Unfortunately, the last year, according to our statistics, most anti-Semitic acts than any year since the war, said Yaakov Hagoel, who heads the Department of OSM for this activity in Israel and the fight against anti-Semitism."
"For this, we decided to create an international atmosphere against this frightening phenomenon." We want to use as well as politicians and other influential people in the countries of the World Jewish and non-Jewish students. This can have a significant impact on the reduction of anti-Semitism by removing the legitimacy it gradually to achieve. "Global network intends to act as an umbrella for international organisations and agencies involved in the fight against anti-Semitism. It will collaborate with the Anti-Defamation League, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs."We know many organizations in the world dealing with anti-Semitism," said Hagoel, who is a member of the Jewish Agency and a former CEO of Beitar world. "We want together, to pool their resources and coordinate a United fight." Which could allow us to double our strength. "Global network media room use volunteers MASA in Israel which will be in contact with students regarding programs as antennas on campuses everywhere worldwide. For example, if there is a problem on a campus in particular, the OSM can communicate with the University and ask for the security and make other militants near to counteract the problem.
The media room will be to maintain a database of Zionist activists from around the world and communicate with them regularly in English, Hebrew, French, Spanish, Turkish, Russian and even Arabic. He has pages on YouTube and Facebook.
"The goal is to be more organized than Israel enemies on campus and in communities," said Director Eitan Behar media room.
"With the work of our activists from around the world right and if we are unified, we can win the battle going on in the world image Israel.". The seminar attracted Israel Hungary, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Canada, United States, Romania, Italy and Holland, students who have received a kit and disk information. The OSM will hold an annual Conference in each of six regions in the world: America North, South America, Europe, the former Soviet Union and Australia South Africa. His upcoming conferences will be Ukraine and Israel.
Participants met with the victory of Grand Paris synagogue Rabbi Moshe Sebbag expert French anti-Semitism Michel Gurfinkel and Guy Milliere and a French family took to target by anti-Semitism.
Ariel Goldgewicht participant who leads the European and North American youth movement Department Hanoar Hatzioni Zionist, congratulated the OSM for the seminar and establishment of the network. He said that its activists around the world would be active in the network.
"It is empowering people with anti-Semitic meetings to share what has happened with people who care", said Goldgewicht.
"It is important to know what's going on with the Jews on the other side of the world, share experiences and learn from each other." Monika Krawczyk, who leads a Polish Zionist Organization and Foundation for the preservation of the Jews in Poland, heritage to questions at the Conference on what to do when the media fail to respond to the letters complain comments anti-Semitic articles.
"The seminar was an important event, especially for us participants, because Europe is willing to anti-Israel propaganda, and sometimes we do not know how he handle when critics Israel crosses the border to anti-Semitism", said Krawczyk. "It is important to realize that anti-israelism has the same spirit as anti-Semitism, primitive past." Daniel Sourani, Director of program of young Canadians, Judea declared that the highlight of the Conference was not conferences but networking.
"Sharing experiences with young Jews everywhere in the world was telling, said Sourani." "As I had read on the Jewish community in the world hear first-hand testimony was simply fascinating."
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