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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jordanian and Palestinian soccer fans come into conflict in Amman (Jerusalem Post)

AMMAN - Rival teams of Jordanian football fans clashed after a match, injuring 250 people who pointed out the deep divisions between clans of native Bedouin nation and its Palestinian violence.

Most of the injuries occurred when a large metal fence separating spectators on the playground in the Amman Stadium collapsed during the agitation Friday night between national teams Wehdat Faisali, fans has declared himself the spokesman police colonel Ahmed Abu-Hamad. 30 Police officers were among the wounded, he said.

Jordanian football game shows, West Bank tensions

It has a long history of violence between supporters of the two teams stem in part from the decades of tension to the Palestinian population of Jordan, which includes an approximately 1.8 million refugees displaced after 1948 and their descendants.

Most of the players and fans Faisali are native Jordan Bedouin tribes. Most of the players and fans Wehdat are the Palestinian.

Although most Jordan - with the exception of Aboriginal band Palestinians of Gaza, carrying Jordanian passports and enjoy unmatched by other Arab host Governments citizenship rights, many complain that they are prohibited from holding positions of security and army or other top posts page in the Jordanian Government.

Jordanian native feel Palestinian refugees have no allegiance to the country.

In a match between the teams of same, last year Faisali fans psalmodiƩs slogans denigrate the wife of King Abdullah II, Palestinian origin, Queen Rania and their son, Prince heir Hussein - an episode which is even mentioned in a diplomatic notes released by site Web WikiLeaks United States.

In the document, American diplomats said that they were "troubled" by King's failure to respond to the "verbal attacks on his family.

On Saturday, police interviewed a dozen persons suspected of sparks clashes.

The violence erupted after Wehdat beat Faisali 1-0 a crucial qualifying match for the National League.

The Faisali supporters has left the stage first and began to launch supporters outside the stadium, triggering a shoving said witness Ali Qasrawi Wehdat stones and bottles.

Qasrawi, who was in the match, said police walled output stage, trapping Wehdat supporters inside and fired tear gas.

"That triggered the collapse of the large wire fence, which fell on the people and the police forces as", he said.

Abu Hamad, police spokesman said that the wounded were taken in a hospital, some serious injuries to the head and body. He declined to provide further details.

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