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var dclkSection = "news";var dclkChannel = "diplomacydefense"; var dclkArticleId = "1.330835";var dclkPage="article"; Mitchell proposes 'parallel' but separate U.S. talks with Israel, Palestinians - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Subscribe to the print edition HAARETZ Store HAARETZ Toolbar Hebrew Site SEARCHAdvancedSearch Haaretz.comSearch the webBy title:By writer: Ofer Aderet Raphael Ahren Dov Alfon Gideon Alon Shulamit Aloni Nirit Anderman Moshe Arens Shaul Arieli Meirav Arlosoroff Ehud Asheri Eli Ashkenazi The Associated Press Shlomo Avineri Uri Avnery Reli Avrahami Eytan Avriel Yuval Azoulay Emily B. Landau Anat Balint Zvi Bar'el Shlomi Barzel Moti Bassok Nir Becher Yossi Beilin Avi Beker Noam Ben Ze'ev Dan Ben-David Kobi Ben-Simhon Aluf Benn Meron Benvenisti Uzi Benziman Doron Bergerfreund Morten Berthelsen Amos Biderman Haim Bior Uri Blau Zohar Blumenkrantz Bradley Burston Vered Cohen Ora Coren Orna Coussin Mike Dagan Uzi Dann Mohammad Darawshe Adi Dovrat-Meseritz Yehezkel Dror Yuval Dror Ofra Edelman Haaretz Editorial Ehud Ein-Gil Hagai El-Ad Akiva Eldar Yair Ettinger Fadi Eyadat Donna Feinstein Yotam Feldman Michalis Firillas Shay Fogelman Michael Fox Lily Galili Doram Gaunt Ruth Gavison Anat Georgi Dana Gilerman Avirama Golan Riva Gold Shai Golden Yuval Goren Gershom Gorenberg David Green Tzvia Greenfield Guy Grimland David Grossman Nathan Guttman Dea Hadar Charlotte Halle Doron Halutz Michael Handelzalts Amos Harel Israel Harel Yaron Harel Zvi Harel Danna Harman Amira Hass Nir Hasson Tali Heruti-Sover Rami Hipsh Shahar Ilan Ofri Ilani Avi Issacharoff Gili Izikovich Claude Kandiyoti Or Kashti Sayed Kashua Etgar Keret Jerrold Kessel Jack Khoury Steve Klein Uri Klein Yossi Klein Sivan Klingbail Lior Kodner Noya Kohavi Shoshana Kordova Noah Kosharek Sefi Krupsky Ruta Kupfer Liel Kyzer Gadi Lahav Yehuda Lahav David Landau Yitzhak Laor Vered Lee Shiri Lev-Ari Alex Levac Chaim Levinson Vered Levy Barzilai Daniel Levy Gideon Levy Yitzhak Levy Revital Levy-Stein Nathan Lipson Jonathan Lis Tami Litani Neri Livneh Yoel Marcus Yossi Melman Liron Meroz Merav Michaeli Sara Miller Jerry Mittleman Natasha Mozgovaya Mazal Mualem Tal Niv Gonny Noy Amir Oren Ram Oren Michal Palti Reuven Pedatzur Lisa Peretz Sami Peretz Anshel Pfeffer Adar Primor Zvi Rafiah Barak Ravid Dmitry Reider Ran Reznick Zafrir Rinat Reuven Rivlin Daniel Rogov Guy Rolnik Doron Rosenblum Tamar Rotem Danny Rubinstein Ruth Schuster Relly Sa'ar Gideon Samet Yossi Sarid Ze'ev Schiff Amos Schocken Hillel Schocken Ze'ev Segal Tom Segev Nabil Sha'ath Shlomo Shamir Ari Shavit Na'ama Sheffi Smadar Sheffi Yair Sheleg Sharon Shpurer Nehemia Shtrasler Eli Shvidler Ruth Sinai Roni Singer-Heruti Emmanuel Sivan Shahar Smooha Ephraim Sneh Norman Spiro Simon Spungin Staff Rotem Starkman Yuval Steinitz Yedidia Stern Yoav Stern Zeev Sternhell Carlo Strenger Yuli Tamir Aliyana Traison Tamara Traubman Uri Tuval Assaf Uni Yossi Verter Orly Vilnai Dana Weiler-Polak Gidi Weitz Yanir Yagna Eldad Yaniv Oded Yaron A.B. Yehoshua Nir Zalik Tomer Zarchin Benny Ziffer Avi Zilberberg Zvi Zrahiya From date:To date:
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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was to convene his inner forum of seven senior cabinet ministers on Thursday morning, to discuss a new proposal by the United States’ Middle East envoy George Mitchell aimed at restarting indirect talks between Israel and the Palestinians.
According to the French news agency AFP, Mitchell suggested that the U.S. hold separate but "parallel" talks with both sides, for a period of six weeks. A Palestinian source told AFP Mitchell had proposed that the U.S. conduct bilateral talks with each side, rather than any direct peace negotiations.
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Hillary Clinton, George Mitchell, Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas at talks in Washington D.C., September 2, 2010.
Photo by: APRepresentatives from both sides will, under the terms of the proposal, meet separately with officials from the Obama administration, to discuss security and borders, as well as other issues.
"What is discussed with each side will not be divulged to the other, but the aim is for the U.S. administration to form an idea of what the two parties want with a view to drawing up a strategy to relaunch direct negotiations at the time it deems appropriate,” AFP quoted the Palestinian official as saying.
Mitchell was in Cairo on Wednesday, where he met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, as he continues his drive to breathe new life into the moribund talks. The official Egyptian news agency MENA said Wednesday that Mubarak and Netanyahu had spoken by phone, and had discussed the stagnant peace process. Mubarak also met Wednesday with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the Egyptian capital.
Netanyahu was expected to hash out with his ministers Israel’s positions on a variety of issues considered to be at the core of the negotiations for a peace agreement with the Palestinians.
Meanwhile, foreign ministers from Arab nations came out out Wednesday against any talks between Israel and the Palestinians, direct or indirect, unless the United States takes a firm stance on the future borders of a Palestinian state.
The Palestinian Authority is also demanding that Israel reinstate its freeze on settlement construction in order for talks to go ahead, while Netanyahu has said that such a move would bring down his coalition government. His coalition comprises of right-wing parties who are staunchly opposed to any new moratorium on settlement construction, as are key members within the prime minister’s own center-right Likud party.
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Who do these people - all of them - think they are fooling any more?
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 20.278View >What They Want????????? Polo 16.12.10 06:03It just shows you that the USA hasn't been listening for 60 years! Howin the world could they not know what the two sides want? It's no wonderpeace is unachievable with the USA as an "honest broker"!
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 19.1831View >what the two parties want... e l pratt 16.12.10 04:33All the Israelis want is to have their country back. All the arabs wantis to have some place to dump the so-called palesitians who areapparently unwelcome in Jordan or Egypt which are the two countries fromwhich they come. All the muslims want is to take over another countryfor the glory of islam (they are the third group that nobody wants totalk about). So, what good will six weeks of talks do? No good at all.By the end of January, we will be still on first base with two outs andtwo strikes and two balls in an otherwise scoreless game. In themeantime, Gilad Shalit still needs to be rescued.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 18.2439View >The ugly truth BEAR JEW 16.12.10 04:04All the players know what each side wants. The trouble is no one wantsto admit the ugly truth that the arabs just don't want to have truepeace for 2 peoples, They want oeace on their terms, which doesn'tinvolve israel long term and no one will admit it publicly...the"west" knows what a problem this is and rather than confrontit, they are just trying to appease the arabs....KNOWING it won'twork...does anyone really think a palestinian state next door is neveragain going to be a problem for israel? come onnnnnnnn...stop the charade.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt157View >The Palestinians - your so-called Arabs - have already submitted theircore issues for discussion yo'duh 16.12.10 06:51THIS fiasco is happening because Netanyahu has refused to discussanything but inane demands and issues that can only be determined bythose he refuses to address.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 17.1112View >If US doesn't know by now, they will never know 16.12.10 03:57..what both sides want, they both want it all.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 16.258View >Meanwhile, foreign ministers from Arab nations came out out Wednesdayagainst any talks between Israel and the Palestinians, direct orindirect, unless the United States takes a firm stance on the futureborders of a Palestinian state jake 16.12.10 02:42All that is of importance in these peace talks as the rest will thenfall into place. Fortunately due to guaranteed Israeli intractability itseems a certainty that the U.S. for all its known to be doomedinitiatives shall shortly be joining the entire international communityand this matter will be addressed where it properly should. That ofcourse being the UN. The Palestinians will most definitely not bedisappointed with the results.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 15.364View >Another ploy to waste time. li 16.12.10 02:30Everybody is having fun pretending to negotiate. Good food at thehotels. Sightseeing trip after a day of negotiating. All over the regionare signs violence is going to flair up but it's okay. So long asHillary and Bibi get some nice photos.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 14.256View >despondency Fortuna Benmayor 16.12.10 02:26Whatever outcome this has, Mitchell's patience has to be commended. Itseems so remote at this point that these parallel talks, between thesides and the USA will be effective to bridge the moribund process.Probably, both sides will be maximalist in their demands, so as to putany negotiations starting as close to their positions as possible. Tothe USA, Obama, Clinton and Mitchell, these positions will appear asirreconcilable, with no point in common. And moreover, there is a gapbetween words and deeds. The fact the USA doesn't give up out of totalexasperation is in itself something both sides will have to thankforever.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 13.1528View >Pre-conditions Arie 16.12.10 02:22If the palis can have all those preconditions, so can we: openrecognition of the State of Israel; compensation for Jews displaced byArab aggression
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 12.1532View >Arabs would never recognize Jewish state in Palestina. End of story. 17 16.12.10 02:14 Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt319View >Enough with these shibboliths Billclock 16.12.10 04:07Of course the Palestinians will recognize Israel as a Jewish state butnot until negotiations are complete with Israel recognizing a viablePalestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem, the end of theoccupation and fair division of water and other rights. It all isdoable but it requires the crazies to just shut up!
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt255View >And..... so? Johnboy 16.12.10 04:33The PLO recognizes the state of Israel, and it recognizes that Israel issovereign. Which means that as far as they are concerned"Israel" can do whatever it wants inside its own borders, andwhatever is done there is of no concern to them. Why should you even*want* anything more than that, 17?
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt85View >so 17 16.12.10 05:30Both Abbas and PM differentiate between recognition of Israel and Jewishstate in Palestina. If it is the same there should be any problem withthe matter. Would you recognize Jewish state in Palestina? Partition wasbetween Jewish state and Arab state.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 11.720View >Land or Peace... John 16.12.10 01:51George, "Location. Location. Location. With an army like this,who needs peace?" - Ben
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 10.3714View >US has no power anymore to influence Israel Jenny 16.12.10 01:50The PA knows this, so they won't agree because they can't rely on the USto enforce anything that is agreed to.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 9.312View >Wants Philemon 16.12.10 01:50Abbas wants 1967 lines for a Palestinian state. Netski wants EretzIsrael at the very least. The world is at last wising up.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 8.3719View >This is bad news for Bibi.... Johnboy 16.12.10 01:48Very bad news indeed, because it means the USA isn't planning on beingmerely the messenger-boy between Abbas and Netanyahu. Rather, theAmericans will listen to each in turn and then make up its own mindwhich side is making reasonable proposals, and which side wants theEarth and the Moon and the Stars. The only reason for doing that is sothat the Americans can THEN come up with their own proposal, and thereis no doubt that this will be much, much closer to the Palestiniandemands than it will be to the Israeli demands. Indeed, dare I suggestthat it will look very, very much like a fleshed-out version of theSaudi Plan.....
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt716View >Undoubtly any American proposal will include recognition of Jewish statein Palestina... 17 16.12.10 02:27 Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt615View >Really? Try to rfemember that the US Congress passed a 1994 lawdirecting the President to regard unified Jerusalem as the capital ofIsrael, and only of Israel Dr. L. Brnd 16.12.10 02:41In our system, the President conducts foreign policy "with theadvice and consent of the Congress". There won't be any US embassyin "Palestine" if Congress refuses to fund it. And Congressthis week is now close to cutting off all funds to Abbas if hecontinuesto refuse to negotiate, because PLO talking to Israel andrecognizing Israel is the only basis in US law that the President getsmoney to give them in the first place. Not a damn thing Obama can doabout it if Congress says "NO", unless he wants to get himselfimpeached.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt17View >Of course, TC, California 16.12.10 05:01but not in the W. Bank nor sovereignty over E. Jerusalem.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt112View >I hope you are right, TC, California 16.12.10 05:03otherwise this is another waste of time. The Pals have already statedpositions on the major issues, only Bibi has refuse to state Israel'sposition on borders, refugees, or Jerusalem.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt143View >LOL...yup Giggles 16.12.10 05:07Obama has always been partial to the pragmatism of the Saudi Initiative- as are most objective observers.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 7.3733View >parallel universe Martin Jeffrey 16.12.10 01:32these parallel talks .......lines will never meet....the gap is too widebetween the two sides...but unlike the other comments I've read, thepressure should be applied to the Arab side for compromise....a wordapparently not in their dictionary.......they are still after 60 yearsunable to accept the fact of a Jewish State............
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt114View >Think about it, Martin Johnboy 16.12.10 02:37"these parallel talks .......lines will never meet....the gap istoo wide between the two sides..." Yeah, agreed, and that's whythe Americans want PARALLEL talks i.e. the USA is going to listen to thePalestinians, and the USA is going to listen to the Israelis, and***then*** the USA is going to come up with its own proposal that itwill ram down the throat of both of these recalcitrants.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt30View >talks - the us now plays psychiatrist fredrich de goy 16.12.10 06:30 Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 6.120View >we all can relax not the magnificent seven is to convene. to cry or to laugh? 16.12.10 01:25 Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 5.4615View >Bibi's government represents the Israeli side, but Abbas and the PLO donot represent the Palestinian Arab side... Dr. L. Brnd 16.12.10 01:21Abbas does not represent the 50% of his "people" ruled byHamas (which rejects and peace treaty or recognition of Israel), andAbbas can not even agree to anything Israel roposes, because he has toget permission from the Arab League Foreign Ministers for everything.Mitchell talking to Abbas is just one messenger boy talking to anothermessenger boy. Israel does not have a "peace partner" tonegotiate with. Arab League won't talk to Israel because this motleycollection of potentates and military dictators also reject everrecognizing the Jewish State of Israel, as Egypt and Jordan have bothdone. Israel needs to talk to actual decision makers who represent theirpeople, for there to ever be peace negotiations that can go anywhere.I'm trying to figure out what the point is of a "Palestinian ArabState of their own" if the Arab League is going to run it and callthe shots.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt1211View >Ever look at the polls, Doc? yo'duh 16.12.10 02:10Poll after poll after poll?
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt203View >Dear Dr Brnd JJ 16.12.10 02:24Israel signed peace agreements with Jordan and Egypt and the governmentsof these two countries hardly represent the people. Yours is a lame excuse!
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt76View >Arab League won't talk to Israel because this motley collection ofpotentates and military dictators also reject ever recognizing theJewish State of Israel jake 16.12.10 03:36My how often this mendacity is repeated. The Arab peace initiative of2002 contained provisions such as considering the Arab-Israeli conflictover, signing a peace agreement with Israel, and establishing normalrelations with Israel. One wearies of having his intelligence insultedparticularly so from a supposed Dr.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 4.3112View >above moishe 16.12.10 01:16parallel, single, converging, diverging....'vots the difference'... theyall seem to go nowhere! all action. you cant deal with apeople that want to eradicate you. look at surrounding States and youwill see what happened when they got rid of the Jews. now they hate andkill themselves. they should be thankfull that there are Jews around tohate and kill! one GOD; lots of crazy people. go figure!
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 3.7654View >Parallel PATHETIC - What a Joke! Baloney 16.12.10 01:15This is not funny. Anyone who is involved in these peace talks needs towake up and stop deluding themselves into thinking they are actuallydoing something important. Because they are NOT! The US needs to applyreal pressure on Israel to start acting like the Democracy it claims tobe.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt2725View >Nobody is doing this to you, your doing this to yourselves. What a bunchof pathetic losers. Keep listening to The Arab League; Moussa.. No4fit 16.12.10 01:41 Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 2.6048View >How many F-35s does it cost the American taxpayers Momo 16.12.10 01:05 Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt2019View >Momo None ! Israel refused them after the Pals wasted the last ( 10months) freeze,evading negotiations.How much US /EU aid PETER SM 16.12.10 02:27to Arabs sits in Switzerland? How much EU aid is given under the table?How much US/EU taxpayer funds go to maintain Sister Suha Arafats lifestyle?
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt 1.6858View >Palestinians have already given a core list Rose 16.12.10 00:54Netanyahu is the obstacle to peace.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt3132View >Nonsense SDHD 16.12.10 01:55Netanyahu enacted a 10-month moratorium. The Palestinians refused tojoin direct negotiations until the 10th month. They refuse to rejoinsuch negotiations even if the moratorium is put back into place. ThePalestinians have rejected every peace offer evre made to them. ThePalestinians are the obstacle to peace.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt1524View >Core Palestinian Demand Arie 16.12.10 02:23The demise of the Jews. They insist no peace unless that is achieved
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt1013View >Rubbish Rose..The Palestinians merely are regurgitating the samedemands. The whole thing has become a big charade.Why? Stephen A.A 16.12.10 02:27Because Abbas has not changed one iota he is still asking for RoR,Jerusalem while his chum Haniyeh is adamant on NEVER recognizingIsrael,what is more he is saying the whole of Palestine (fakenomeclature)To be theirs from the river to sea and beyond.Twocontradictory statements. Those smiles must be hurting their jaws forsure.As SDHD pointed out during the ten month moratorium Abbas did notbother to discuss by sitting down round the table twiddling his thumbsthinking his wishes will come down from the sky and all will be hunkydorey. As a friend called Khaduri said on another forum: On Abba Eban'sthe pals will not miss an opportunity to MISS AN OPPORTUNITY.(incidentlyif I am not mistaken the Jewish Khaduries from Hong Kong were one ofthe families who donated to several charitables organizations)know itthrough a family connection.thought I'd inform you in case you were not aware.
Reply to this talkbackRate:topbt1919View >Israel had 10 months to produce a position paper and never did it. 005veiK 16.12.10 06:29So... for all you pro-Settlement fellas posting tripe in this string,what exactly stopped Israel from presenting a paper on it's positionsduring that 10 month term? Anyone want to answer that? The Palestiniansonly needed 1 month to present a detailed paper, yet no one involved inthis process has anything on paper regarding core issues from Netanyahuand the rest of the pro-Settlement crowd. WHY? The answer seems to bethey are not serious about negotiation, and only wish to delay and drawout the process forever so that the end goal is never reached. I dareyou to prove otherwise.
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